Time for an update!

In order to get the full benefits of our mobile app, we invite you to download and install the latest version.

Get TheLotter US Android App
  1. Click to download TheLotter US's APK file. This file type enables direct installation of Android apps that cannot be found in the Google Play store.
  2. If you get a warning message about only downloading files from trusted sources, you can go ahead and allow the download. Our Android app is as safe, secure, and trustworthy as our website.
  3. Once the download is complete, click ‘Install’.
  4. If you don’t see the option to install/open, you can find the downloaded file in the notification panel when pulling down the top of your screen and then start the installation.
  5. If you get a security alert about installing apps from “this source” or “unknown sources”, don't be alarmed - just click on settings and allow the Installation.
  6. When the installation has finished, you can open and start using the app!